Save the Date!

Wednesday, May 7, 2025 is MACEP's Annual Meeting


The Massachusetts College of Emergency Physicians (MACEP) is the state medical speciality society representing more than 950 emergency physicians across the state. As the state chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians, MACEP works to support quality emergency care and represent the unique perspective of emergency medicine.

In addition to actively promoting your interests as an emergency physician, you will receive a broad range of services and beneits from MACEP, including:
INFORMATION - MACEP publishes state emergency medicine news, articles, research, chapter news, legislative news and professional opportunity listings.
EDUCATION - MACEP is a leader in emergency medicine in Massachusetts. As a member, you'll receive discounted rates for all chapter-sponsored programs.
ADVOCACY - MACEP represents your interests in state legislative arenas and with a wide range of health organizations.

To join please visit the American College of Emergency Physicians website