Event Calendar Tuesday, November 19, 2024 Monthly Weekly Daily List Search EMS Interface Between Out-of-Hospital and Hospital-Based Providers Start Date: 11/18/2024 9:00 AM EST End Date: 11/19/2024 5:00 PM EST Venue Name: Virtual Location: MA United States Event Website: https://cmecatalog.hms.harvard.edu/ems-hospital-based-provider Organization Name: Harvard Medical Faculty Physicians at BIDMC Contact: Meaghan Cussen Email: ceprograms@hms.harvard.edu Phone: (781) 679-2108 This course is a 2-day, 17-hour course that provides participants with the knowledge and skills to expand their knowledge of out-of hospital medicine. Through a dynamic and interactive format, the course focuses on lecture, panel, and QA-based formats to optimize provider knowledge around the pre-hospital system and the hospital’s integration with EMS. This course is designed for physicians, PAs, NPs, and RNs who interact with the prehospital health care system frequently, likely emergency, critical care, or internal medicine providers. This course is also designed for EMTs, paramedics, and other pre-hospital care providers who would like to gain knowledge in EMS-hospital systems integration. The goal of this course is to teach providers to improve their EMS knowledge on: EMS certification, scope of practice, and limitations of different provider levels. EMS system design and systems of care. Protocols and online medical control with basic federal/regional rules and regulations. Provider awareness of their responsibilities and liability for medical control, as well as interfacility transportation. Awareness of upcoming controversies and expansions in EMS. Visit the course website for more information including registration EMS: Interface Between Out-of-Hospital & Hospital-Based Providers - Overview | Continuing Education Catalog (harvard.edu) Add to my calendar Outlook Calendar Google Calendar Yahoo! Calendar Map