Event Calendar Tuesday, October 8, 2024 Monthly Weekly Daily List Search Pediatric Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds Start Date: 10/8/2024 1:00 PM EDT End Date: 10/8/2024 2:00 PM EDT Venue Name: Virtual Location: AL United States Presented by New England EMSC/NE PECC Network - Dr. Amy Goldberg, a Child Abuse Pediatrician, and Dr. Kate Schissler, a PEM physician, from Hasbro Children's will be discussing physical child abuse: recognition, documentation and legal implications. Target Audience: Emergency Medicine providers, EMS/Pre-hospital providers *1 hour free MA CEU for EMS clinicians* October 8th from 1-2pm. Zoom Meeting ID: 990 7853 0577 Password: NEPECCGR (Link: here) Click for Webinar Flyer Add to my calendar Outlook Calendar Google Calendar Yahoo! Calendar Map